Saturday, June 6, 2015

The ABCs of Walt Disney World Orlando!

A is for ANNA, who we didn't get to see because the wait time was 90 minutes.
B is for BOAT RIDE, other wise known as the Jungle Boat Cruise, ooh, aah what an adventure. :-)
C is for CAROUSEL, also known as Prince Charming's Royal Carousel.
D is for DRAGON, we saw a "rad" steam punk dragon.
E is for ELSA who we also didn't get to see.
F is for FIREWORKS and the amazing show they put on.
G is for GHOSTS in the Haunted Mansion.
H is for HALL OF PRESIDENTS, and the weird people that go to see it. Oh, wait that is me. :-)

I is for IT'S A SMALL WORLD, which is the best ride in all of Disney.
J is for JADE BURNSTEEL, which is the name of my pirate sister.
K is for KING TRITON and the statue of him at our hotel.
L is for LAUGH FLOOR where Mike Wazowski entertained us.
M is for MERMAID and my awesome mermaid make up.
N is for NEVERLAND, and the playful shadows.
O is for OH MY GOODNESS, there were a LOT of people.
P is for PINEAPPLE DOLE WHIPS, at the Tikki Room
Q is for QUESTION.
R is for RAPUNZEL, who we didn't get to see either.
S is for SPACE RANGER SPIN, a Buzz Lightyear ride.
T is for TEA CUPS, the second best Disney ride.
U is for the UNDER THE SEA ride--down where it's wetter, down where it's better take it from me...
V is for the VICTORY CIRCLE at the Tomorrowland Speedway.
W is for WRIST BANDS the easy access key card and ticket.
X is for XYLOPHONE, in Mickey's PhillharMagic.
Y is for YUMMY MICKEY SHAPED TREATS, such as: pretzels, ice cream and cake pops.
Z is for ZZZZZZZZZZ, sleeping after a long day at the Magic Kingdom.

Hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed making it.


  1. Replies
    1. As my sister would say-
      Why thank you. *Straightens imaginary bow tie*

  2. I love how it's in ABC form. This was a fun way to learn more about your trip!
