Saturday, May 23, 2015

Top 10 Things to Do at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida!

Hey guys,
Recently, after nine months, we left Costa Rica. :-( But, now, we are in Orlando, Florida. Today we visited Universal Studios. We only really went to three of the areas inside the Park. We went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Dr. Seuss Land, and Animal Actors. 
In Harry Potter Land (Wizarding World of Harry Potter) there are two parts. One, Diagon Alley, is in Universal Studios Florida, and, two, Hogsmeade and Hogwarts, were in the Islands of Adventure!! 
*Thunder* *Echo*
Well, technically, we went to four parts of the park since Harry Potter Land was divided into two parts.

10. The Forbidden Journey:
The Forbidden Journey is a simulator. First you walk through Hogwarts looking at all the moving pictures and some big classrooms. Then you get on the ride. To be honest, I had my eyes shut most of the time, considering the fact that I was trying not to die. My mom said it was cool though.

9. Animal Actors:
Animal Actors was a little twenty minute show that featured some famous animals from Universal Films. Including, Marley, from Marley and Me, Beethoven, from the Beethoven Series, Frank, from Men in Black, etc. Showing how they trained them. It was really neat.

8.  Ollivanders:
OK. This is probably going to be the longest explanation in this entire blog post. :-) So, you wait in a really long line for, like, twenty minutes. Then, you go in to a very dimly lit room, where a strange man introduced himself as Ollivander, of Ollivander's wands. Then he selects a random person in the group. I got chosen. Yay! I went up to the front of the room and tried out different wands.
None of them worked like they were supposed to, and Ollivander started telling me he didn't have a wand for me, but then, the Harry Potter theme song started playing in the background and he randomly chose one and gave it to me. It was really awesome. 

7. The Three Broomsticks:
In the Three Broomsticks you can get different foods depending on what time of day it is. In the morning you can get breakfast, in the afternoon you can get lunch, and then around dinnertime you can get dinner. Gasp. We had breakfast there and it was pretty good.
 6. Interactive Wand Magic:
In the streets of Diagon Alley, Knocturn Alley, and Hogsmeade there are little plaques on the ground.
Those plaques mean that, if you have a wand, you can say the spell and do the wand movement and something will happen. It was my sister's favorite part.

5. Honeydukes:
Inside Honeydukes there are all kinds of sweets, Muggle and Wizard.
There are: Jelly Slugs, Chocolate Wands, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, Lemon Drops, and more.

4. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes:
In this shop you can see magical joke objects such as: Puking Pastilles, Nosebleed Nougat, Canary Creams and others that I can't remember.

3. Knocturn Alley:
In Knocturn Alley there is one Interactive Wand Magic station, see number 6, that is really cool. You cast a spell and a magic bone figure comes to life and mirrors your movements.

2. Butterbeer:
It is a really good non-alcoholic beverage that you can buy all over Harry Potter Land. I don't know what else to say. We had one at the Hogs Head!

1. The Hogwarts Express:
You can go back and forth between Platform 9 3/4 and Hogsmeade on this moving train. The ways to and from Hogwarts are different, meaning you see different things both times.

I had a lot of fun on this trip.


  1. Wow! It sounds really fun and exciting. I wish I could have gone with you!

  2. Reading about your trip makes me want to finish reading the books and head to Florida -- so fun!
