Tuesday, March 31, 2015


We went on vacation to Granada, Nicaragua.
Granada is a little town on the Lago de Nicaragua (Lake of Nicaragua). The Lago de Nicaragua is 99 miles across in some places! The hotel we stayed at was called Hotel con Corazón. It had a giant chess board.

On the day we got there we went on a carriage ride in the afternoon.
It took us all over town. Granada is an old Colonial town so we basically looked at a bunch of old cathedrals and churches. Some of them were pretty cool.
The buildings there are very colorful and many have beautiful courtyards inside. We also saw a lot of oxen and horses pulling carts. It was strange to see them on the same roads as cars, bikes and people.
We even saw cows on the beach! I know what you are thinking. What! I know it is kind of weird. 
The next day we took a shuttle to the base of a volcano called Mombacho.
There we got in a big truck with a bunch of other people that took us to the top of Mombacho.
Once we were at the top we walked around the crater to a beautiful look out.
Then we all got back in the truck and rode back to the bottom of the mountain.
The day after that we went on a fishing. We spent a couple of hours fishing on the Lago de Nicaragua. I was the only one, other than the boat captain who caught any fish. 
We also went swimming. It was cold (I guess we are just used to the warm ocean).

The lake is filled with tiny islands that were created a long time ago when the volcano exploded. We ate lunch at the home of a family that lives on one of those islands. The grandmother cooked the fish we caught (plus a few more ;-)). 
On the way back to the airport in Managua, we stopped by a volcano called Masaya.
It is an active volcano and you can see the steam coming out of it.
Then we got back on the airplane and flew back to Costa Rica. 
(Cue Porky Pig)
That's all folks.


  1. Looks like fun! Did you guys take a mini plane to the "landing strip"?
