Monday, September 15, 2014

Escuela Futuro Verde

      My sister and I just started at Escuela Futuro Verde (EFV).

It is a school about six kilometers away from Montezuma, Costa Rica. Although it is very small and the school buildings are not as modern as my school in California, the schools are similar in many ways. They both teach classes in 2 languages, EFV is Spanish and English, and RSA (Redding School of the Arts) is Mandarin and English. They both have awesome teachers. They both give us art class each week. The schools are both focused on saving energy and making good environmental choices.
            In my school here, I have classmates from all over the world! Some are local or “Tico” kids, but I also have classmates from France, Bulgaria, Sweden and Italy. So fun! Since most of the campus at EFV is outside, we often see snakes, iguanas and butterflies during our day. Once there was even a kinkajou. Another thing I really like here is the school lunch, which is all organic and delicious. Many of the foods they serve at school are different than what we eat at home, but the casado, the arroz con pollo and the empanadas are some of my favorites. You can also buy treats at school called apretadas which are basically like a bag full of pudding. You bite off the corner and suck out the treat. Yum!
My sister and I walk to the end of our street to meet the bus to school.

Sometimes the bus is a green van, sometimes the bus is old and white and the door doesn't open unless someone inside pushes it for you. I don’t mind riding the bus except when we have to stand in the rain and wait for a long time for it to come. We have to wear uniforms of green shirts and khaki shorts, skirts, or pants 2 days a week
and our all green PE uniforms 2 days a week (not my favorite). But, on Friday we can wear whatever we want.
            So far, the hardest part about school here is that most of my classmates speak Spanish. My Spanish is improving every day but I still have a ways to go. It is hard to believe that a month ago I did not know anyone from Costa Rica.


  1. That's neat that most of your classes are outside -- I'd love to see pictures! Sounds like your school year is off to a great start!

  2. Nice uniform , I think I like P. E. uniform better. I miss you. : )


  3. Who knew it would be such an adventure to go to school! What do you like better-- seeing snakes during math, or hearing howler monkeys at night?

  4. Your school sounds awesome. Nice uniform!
