Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Bar 717!!

Some friends of mine have a camp, in Trinity County, called Bar 717. Over Memorial Day weekend we went there with some other families. We had a lot of fun. 
We got to watch them brand the cows! 

On our first full day there, we went to the Swim Hole!
We swam, even though the water was cold.
We even caught a bullfrog!
 But, to get to the Swim Hole, we had to go over a suspension bridge.
 There was always a delicious breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
 Bar 717 is really beautiful.

 Then, on our second full day there we went to Girl's Camp to swim.
 We even played soccer on the lawn!
 The girls even got to sleep on a platform called Talking Timbers.
One of my favorite parts was getting to go on a trail ride!
I can't wait to go back to Bar 717!


  1. What a fun weekend! I hope to get to go to Bar 717 one of these days! Keep the posts coming -- I love hearing and see what you are up to!

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun!!

  3. When I was looking at the pictures Bar717 felt like home! I can't wait for 3 weeks to go past yaahooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

    -Big J

    1. Well the time has come we're leaving today.

  4. I'm in some of those pictures!!!
